Black Rabbit Brotherhood

underground black rabbit brotherhood boss lies of p wiki guide 300px1
Location Relic of Trismegistus Combat Field
Type Human
Drops Quartz

Black Rabbit Brotherhood is a Boss in Lies of P. The Black Rabbit Brotherhood is a notorious criminal group of 4 Stalkers based in the Malum District, but are later encountered again underground after defeating the Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood. The other three members include the Battle Maniac, Eccentric, and the Youngest. Defeat the Black Rabbit Brotherhood in the Relic of Trismegistus to gain the Achievement: Revenge of the Black.


Lies of P Boss Information

  • Optional Boss: No
  • Specter Summon: Yes
  • Weak Against: Fire, Slash
  • Strong Against: ???
  • Resistant to: ???
  • Immune to: N/A


Where to Find Black Rabbit Brotherhood Boss in Lies of P

The Black Rabbit Brotherhood is encountered at the Relic of Trismegistus Combat Field after first defeating the Eldest at the Malum District. Reach this location from the Relic of Trismegistus Entrance and make your way here. You will need to defeat the Black Rabbit Brotherhood before you can activate the Stargazer at the Combat Field.


Black Rabbit Brotherhood Boss Rewards in Lies of P


Lies of P Black Rabbit Brotherhood Boss Guide

Black Rabbit Brotherhood Boss Video Guide

[video coming soon]


Black Rabbit Brotherhood Fight Strategy

The Best Tips for Black Rabbit Brotherhood:


This is the second encounter with the Black Rabbit Brotherhood, To view the first fight in Malum District, view the page for the Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood. During this encounter in the Relic of Trismegistus players will need to clear all members of the Brotherhood to clear the fight. On their own individually they won't have a big pool of health so try to isolate your combat interactions to one at a time. It is recommended to use a Specter for this battle so that all the heat of combat will not be focused entirely on you.

Since their health is easily diminished, try to focus larger attacks and charged attacks one character at a time so you have less to worry about overall. Don't forget to lock on your target, Landing a charged attack will deal great damage and following up with a few combos should easily clear one if you focus your attacks on an individual member before moving on to another. Play aggressively during this phase until they are cleared. Each of them can be parried and backstabbed like most mini-boss Stalker fights, so aim to reposition behind them when you pick a target. If they all come at you, run to reposition yourself so you don't get cornered by multiple members at a time. 

  • Battle Maniac: To tell them apart, the Battle Maniac is the Rabbit with the Red Scarf, he has a number of basic melee sword attacks including some slashing and stabbing combos and wields a Rapier or sword. You will able to backstab him if you strike from behind. Approach him aggressively to interrupt his attacks and clear him out of the way. 
  • Youngest: The Hooded member is the youngest one. She wields a part of double swords and has a series of attacks that involve kicking and slashing with her weapons as well. She has the ability to charge at players with her double blades and deal them as a Fury Attack. She moves quick but leaves a lot of attack windows.
  • Eccentric: The bucket-looking head member is the eccentric one. He wields a spear type weapon that extends a little further than regular swords. His attacks consist of a lot of stabbing and thrusting with his long spear. He also can lunge forward while thrusting his spear. As long as you are not directly in front of this attack, you will not take any damage. He will be able to quickly dash away mid-fight and reposition so prepare to dodge as he changes angles. For the most part his attacks are also limited and you can get behind him to perform a backstab as well and he is easily interrupted. 

Once there is a single enemy left standing the next phase starts, bringing out the Eldest once again. He once again will use his heavy cleaver. He has a swing that can release a wave of damage that moves across one direction. You can defeat him the same way you did when you faced him previously in Malum District. His attacks are heavy and slow-moving. He has a combo of swinging and slashing cleaver attacks. You can let him complete his combos and exert his energy and they are sometimes met with a short break giving you an opening for a changed attack or a few attack combos. Watch for when his boss bar is in white like before and take the opportunity to deliver a powerful attack in order to stagger him and follow up with a fatal blow. 

Continue waiting for his attacks to end and attacking him in between while taking every opportunity to stagger and deliver Fatal attacks until all members of the brotherhood are cleared. 

Black Rabbit Brotherhood Attacks & Counters

Attack Description Counter
Battle Maniac
Human String Attempts to pull the target to him with equipment, that is similar to Puppet String Dodge to the side
Slash Melee Combo A sequence of melee slashes and strikes Block the attack, this combo has very good tracking and will make dodging difficult.
Thrust Melee Combo A pair of lunging thrusts each followed by a flurry of additional thrusts. Block this attack,  this combo has very good tracking and will make dodging difficult.
Strike Basic Melee Sword attack  Block the attack or dodge it like a regular melee attack. You will also be able to parry.
High-Kick Short Ranged attack that can be followed up with a melee attack that launches the player upwards. This can combo into attacks from the eldest. This is a very short-ranged attack that can be blocked or easily avoided by stepping back from her immediate vicinity. 
Double Blade Charge She can lunge and slash outward with her double blades. This can be performed as a fury attack Get out of the way of her line of sight or counter with a Perfect Guard.
Leaping Knife Throw She will leap  away and throw a knife  while midair. Dodge as soon as she leaps.
Grenade Throw Throws a grenade Guard or Deflect
Spear Thrust Combo Lunges forward with his spear 2-4 times Dodge as positioning behind him will allow for an easy backstab.
Jump attack He jump high enough to take him offscreen and lands with an aoe melee attack.  Block, this move has high tracking that will make successfully dodging difficult. Alternatively, move in circle around him and go behind him as soon as possible to perform a backstab.
Swing Shockwave A powerful swing that releases a wave of damage.  This is hard to counter and can cause damage while you're in range. Try to get out of range when you see this attack animation begin. 
Uppercut Swing His cleaver is used to swing from bottom to up and has the ability to knock you over. You can attempt to block or reposition as this action is dealt so you can follow up with some attacks.
Sideways Swings The Eldest swings his cleaver swiftly from one side to another. These could swing almost to 360 around him and he can perform a very quick 3-swing combo with this attack making it difficult to avoid further damage once hit. Back away in case more swings like this are dealt.
Downward Swing The Eldest swings and smashes his cleaver to the ground. This can be performed in a melee combo or back-to-back in a combo of three swing attacks Block these attacks. Remain on guard for any follow-up attacks in the combo. Watch for when he pulled back his blade above his head to anticipate these attacks
Jump attack  The Eldest leaps and lands with his cleaver, creating a very damaging landing. Since the action of this attack is obvious, immediately dodge away from his landing area once he jumps.
Stagger Counter After getting staggered, the Fatal Attack opening will disappear after a second. When this happens, the Eldest will flail wildly swinging his sword in all directions. This combo will end with him launching a shockwave, after which the Fatal Attack opportunity will reopen. Hide behind the nearest obstacle for cover until the Fatal Attack opening reappears.

Black Rabbit Brotherhood Lore, Notes & Other Trivia

  • Voice Actor: ??
  • Other Notes and Trivia Go Here



  • Accept your fate. Death has come for you. 
During Fight:
  • Unless stated otherwise, only one line is said at a time
  • Sibling becoming aggressive:
  • Eccentric: All right, demonstration time. Who wants to watch this guy break apart?
  • Battle-Maniac: Even if we're just bait to buy time, you're going down. 
  • Battle-Maniac: This is for my brother. I'm gonna rip your heart out.
  • Youngest: Should I break his neck or his arms first? I'm taking requests.
  • Youngest: I'll kill you, just like big brother wanted!
  • Youngest: Big brother always looked out for me... I'm gonna smash you to pieces!
  • Sibling killed:
  • Battle-Maniac: Maybe when we couldn't save our brother.. That's when our fate was sealed.
  • Youngest: I couldn't avenge you... That stupid puppet... beat us... 
  • Eccentric: Should I have trained harder... or brought better gear? Tch...
  • Reactions to Eldest resurrection (Surviving sibling says both lines, one after the other):
  • Youngest: Those Alchemists... I thought it was all just a cheap trick... curse them!
  • Youngest: Big brother came to save us! You're dead, puppet!
  • Eccentric: B-brother? Those Alchemists, They did it!
  • Eccentric: (Laughs maniacally) Even if it's just temporary... Brother, you are with us!
  • Battle Maniac: Damn it. I didn't want to owe those Alchemists anything.
  • Battle Maniac: We're getting revenge together! Die, Geppetto's puppet!
  • Player Killed:
  • Youngest: An arm for one brother, and a weapon for the other. Plus a pretty toy for me!
  • Youngest: Finally, Big brother's gonna complement me!
  • Eccentric: Woohoo! Finally! I got you! I'm gonna take you apart!
  • Battle Maniac: Finally, I can put something in the coffin. Big brother will be happy.
  • Battle Maniac: We are death. We are your final judgment, your demise.
After Fight:


Black Rabbit Brotherhood Image Gallery

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    • Anonymous

      Struggled with bosses all game. Killed this one on the first try with no Spectre, special grindstone or other buffs, throwables or legion arm, just a lot of running around. Felt great. Big Pipe Wrench Head + Bramble Curved Sword Handle is OP and is the best weapon in the game. My advice would be to use the sacks/broken pillar as an obstacle, the trio gets pretty passive when there's an obstacle between you and them, the first two members were a 1-on-1 fight without much interruption from others. I just killed them one by one. Just make sure to focus them and leave the big guy for last.

      • Anonymous

        Trident Of The Covenant trivializes this gank boss, which doesn't say much since the Trident is a strong candidate for the strongest weapon in the game. I was struggling with this boss until I turned to it and just did charged heavies when they approached me. Erased their healthbars.

        • Anonymous

          The second fight near Relic of Trismegistus in NG+ feels so bad. I was cruising through NG+, even had no problem with them during first fight but second one near the Relic is just a gank with very large health pools and a lot of damage. Even when I end up with the last brother (big boy) any mistake of mine is immediately punished. I had no problem with them on my first playthrough at the launch.

          • Anonymous

            Struggled with bosses all game. Killed this one on the first try with no Spectre, special grindstone or other buffs, throwables or legion arm, just a lot of running around. Felt great. Big Pipe Wrench Head + Bramble Curved Sword Handle is OP and is the best weapon in the game. My advice would be to use the sacks/broken pillar as an obstacle, the trio gets pretty passive when there's an obstacle between you and them, the first two members were a 1-on-1 fight without much interruption from others. I just killed them one by one. Just make sure to focus them and leave the big guy for last.

            • Anonymous

              Struggled with bosses all game. Killed this one on the first try with no Spectre, special grindstone or other buffs, throwables or legion arm, just a lot of running around. Felt great. Big Pipe Wrench Head + Bramble Curved Sword Handle is OP and is the best weapon in the game. My advice would be to use the sacks/broken pillar as an obstacle, the trio gets pretty passive when there's an obstacle between you and them, the first two members were a 1-on-1 fight without much interruption from others. I just killed them one by one. Just make sure to focus them and leave the big guy for last.

              • Anonymous

                Struggled with bosses all game. Killed this one on the first try with no Spectre, special grindstone or other buffs, throwables or legion arm, just a lot of running around. Felt great. Big Pipe Wrench Head + Bramble Curved Sword Handle is OP and is the best weapon in the game. My advice would be to use the sacks/broken pillar as an obstacle, the trio gets pretty passive when there's an obstacle between you and them, the first two members were a 1-on-1 fight without much interruption from others. I just killed them one by one. Just make sure to focus them and leave the big guy for last.

                • Anonymous

                  Struggled with bosses all game. Killed this one on the first try with no Spectre, special grindstone or other buffs, throwables or legion arm, just a lot of running around. Felt great. Big Pipe Wrench Head + Bramble Curved Sword Handle is OP and is the best weapon in the game. My advice would be to use the sacks/broken pillar as an obstacle, the trio gets pretty passive when there's an obstacle between you and them, the first two members were a 1-on-1 fight without much interruption from others. I just killed them one by one. Just make sure to focus them and leave the big guy for last.

                  • Anonymous

                    Struggled with bosses all game. Killed this one on the first try with no Spectre, special grindstone or other buffs, throwables or legion arm, just a lot of running around. Felt great. Big Pipe Wrench Head + Bramble Curved Sword Handle is OP and is the best weapon in the game. My advice would be to use the sacks/broken pillar as an obstacle, the trio gets pretty passive when there's an obstacle between you and them, the first two members were a 1-on-1 fight without much interruption from others. I just killed them one by one. Just make sure to focus them and leave the big guy for last.

                    • Anonymous

                      Struggled with bosses all game. Killed this one on the first try with no Spectre, special grindstone or other buffs, throwables or legion arm, just a lot of running around. Felt great. Big Pipe Wrench Head + Bramble Curved Sword Handle is OP and is the best weapon in the game. My advice would be to use the sacks/broken pillar as an obstacle, the trio gets pretty passive when there's an obstacle between you and them, the first two members were a 1-on-1 fight without much interruption from others. I just killed them one by one. Just make sure to focus them and leave the big guy for last.

                      • Anonymous

                        I like the voice acting for these guys. The one with the bucket hat sounds like Murdoc from the Gorillaz. Love the voice actress for the youngest too.

                        • Anonymous

                          This fight is absolutely obnoxious on NG+. Each of the siblings have an obscene amount of health and do way more damage. Each one of them probably has around as much hp as Eldest does in the first BRB fight.

                          • Anonymous

                            Wow I didn’t really find this boss that bad, surprised at the comments. Maybe they’re nerfed on 1.5 cause it took me like 7 tries. Also I never use specters. Just 35 vigor/35 mot bone saw blade on exploding pickaxe handle and spammed a lot of charged heavies. Trick is to get all their health down together and then quickly take out the last two before the big guy comes in. One on one he’s not bad at all, especially using the pillar in the middle to make space. This boss felt perfectly fair and balanced to be a 1 vs. 4 fight.

                            • Anonymous

                              Exact movements from 1st encounter only difference is each member adds a different status to their weapon. But usually only 1 comes at you at a time while the other 2 use projectiles. Try to keep their health bars as close as possible so you can beat them in succession and 1v1 the eldest whose a pushover without any other member

                              • Anonymous

                                Specter feels mandatory for this boss, otherwise you're just getting gangbanged and hit with random projectiles offscreen. As soon as I used a specter I beat them first try.

                                • Anonymous

                                  lowkey worst bossfight in the game. 1 dumbass spamming you close-range and 2 more dumbasses spamming throwables. and then 4th dumbass gets out of coffin...

                                  • Anonymous

                                    The youngest sibling is the most annoying, you know an enemy is trash when their moves stun lock you but don’t deal any damage. Im supposed to be this iron puppet how can she throw me in the air with that weak kick someone riddle me that

                                    • Anonymous

                                      A spectre for this was definitely useful for the initial 3 one 1 part of the fight, but how useful it was could really vary. Also found that sometimes the aggro of them could vary wildly which made things a bit tough then you'd line up for a shot and they'd suddenly change target.

                                      I used Puppet Ripper, with Acid Grindstone to start the fight. Youngest seemed to be the one I'd take out quickest and easiest with each attempt, getting rid of them as quick as possible is key, and as others have said, try to get the others down as much as possible so you can take them out quickly.

                                      My Spectre died, just as the Eldest came out of the coffin. If you have throwables and such, generally good to use to whittle them down, the combos they have hit hard, but you do get a decent gap to get in a hit or two after each one. With the eldest, I found it best to kit them around a pile of rubble at one part of the arena, wait for them to complete a combo and hit with a charged R2.

                                      Patience was definitely key.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Of the 3 that start in the arena 2(spear and saber) just give you free backstabs all day, which give you iframes to not get hit by their siblings. Just kill one then bring both of the others low so that you dont need to 2v1 for long when you take out another, and the oldest wakes up. Oldest is still really easy to just move away from and hit at the end of his combos. Dont really get all the rage about this fight tbh.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Of course this cheap-ass gank spam BS is one of the only boss fights in the game with a long runback. Of course.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            This fight is a dps and endurance check. There's nothing else to it, the anime-esque animations, the hyper aggressiveness, the insane reach and mobility of their attacks, the almost instant status proc and the out of view aggro(puppet string guy ugh). Just an absolute mess, I did not learn anything from it except next playthrough I'm using a specter, it is not worth the effort.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Souls fans try not to reply 'skill issue' to any criticism challenge(impossible).

                                              Seriously as good as the first gank fight was, this was just a mess. Short and littered arena, hyper aggressive combos from the 'active' one only to be interrupted by the other once you try to go for the punish, makes you run out of stamina but no you are near them so get ganked lol, the fake stagger on the eldest one and the annoying statuses from everyone sucked. Idc if elden ring does it worse or not, this was just garbage and nothing like the first encounter

                                              • Anonymous

                                                I used an upgraded Puppet Ripper - amazing reach, and you can use a few key features like the coffin, bags, etc, to get distance between you and them, and then use R2's insane reach. Acid grindstone will assist. Bring lots of throwables for the final brother. Don't forget to equip the medallion that hurts humans, and you're going to need stamina regen. Falcon Eyes was kept in reserve for the final push. Once I had this combo, it wasn't too bad.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  the first thought that comes to everyone's mind with that giant buster sword is to break it. So you spend a long time learning his patterns, figuring out the timing, just to find that it takes like 30 minutes to break and doesn't really help as much as you'd think.

                                                  I figured, since I invested time in learning his timings, I'd pick up the boss amulet that increased damage after a successful perfect block and the seven coil spring sword. I never used those block arts in the game and was pleasantly surprised to find it doesn't cost focus unless you pull it off successfully. Anyway, massive damage to the guy. Makes him relatively easy. When his brothers spawn in, run to the other side of the arena and beat them independently. The big guy closes the gap very slowly, except with his running attack, which has a very obvious audio cue and he doesn't really use it any often so his presence is more anxiety inducing than dangerous.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Gank ****. I went in with NPC. You're giving me 4 guys to fight, so it's fair.
                                                    I use acidic spear for entire fight. Reason is it's very quick and the dot is nice. Melts their HP away while you dodge and do other ****.
                                                    1. kill the youngest quickly
                                                    2. bring the other two down to low HP and then kill them both at the same time, so you can fight eldest alone.
                                                    3. fight eldest. Eldest will delete your summon, so it's basically a 1v1. Bait out his slow hits, parry those. Get away if he does massive combos and you're unsure about his attacks. Usually the last attack in a combo is the one you can parry. Once he's staggered, he will bait you and do a massive attack, beware of that. Let him do it. After this attack, he will go down again to allow you to do your finisher.

                                                    I use fully upgraded fulminis. If they gang up on summon, I just blast them all to smithereens. I have advanced on 30, so Fulminis does amazing dmg.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      What really annoys me about this fight is not the fight itself, but that it doesn't drop a boss ergo. Some may argue that it wouldn't make sense for them to drop a boss ergo as all the other human enemies don't drop boss ergo as they are unable to produce them. That logic makes sense for the first black rabbit brotherhood fight, but not the rematch.

                                                      Let's take a moment to think for a second, what humanoid bosses produce boss ergo. The three who are able to produce such an ergo are champion Victor, Simon Manus, and Laxasia the complete. The reason that they were able to produce a boss ergo was because they had been infused with the petrification disease in one way or another, Laxasia becoming purified with it, Simon Manus using it to transform his body and to form the arm of god, and Champion Victor using it to rise from the dead.

                                                      So why the hell was the eldest of the black rabbit brotherhood excluded from this list?! If Champion Victor being reborn allowed him to produce a boss ergo, then why wasn't the elder able to create one? If you don't remember, the reason why the eldest of the Black rabbit brother hood was able to come back is because Manus brought him back to life using the same method that he used on Victor. So by that logic, the black rabbit rematch should have produced a boss ergo instead of the elder handing us a quartz he found in the back of his pocket. It literally makes more sense in the lore of the game for them to drop a boss ergo instead of not dropping one.

                                                      And this boss ergo could have been awesome. The weapon it could be turned in fore could be the cleaver that the eldest wields in battle. This makes sense for the lore of the game as Alidoro is literally right outside of the boss gate, so he easily could have yoinked it just like he did with the katana made from the green monster ergo. And this sword could have been awesome. It would have the same one handed chopping attacks that the boss uses with the charged heavy being the spin around attack that the elder loves to spam. And the blocking fable art could have been the ergo wave attack that the elder uses in the rematch fight, basically acting as a bootleg wave of gold attack. Heck, this could have been a boss weapon that scales with advance, being a unique strength/advance weapon that scales B in both stats. Its non-blocking fable art could be one of the many fast cleave attacks that the boss has, so you would essentially have a sword of night and flame esc weapon. The melee fable art would scale with strength while the ranged fable art would scale with advance. This would have been amazing.

                                                      Bottom line is, i think it is stupid that this boss fight didn't drop a boss ergo, as it literally makes more sense in the lore of the game for them to drop one, and them not dropping one is huge wasted potential for cool weapons and talismans.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Most fun fight in the game so far. Just beat it after dying a dozen times or so. Used the pistol rock drill (full set) and the puppet string. Circle around cover to prevent ranged harassment as much as possible, listen to the sound cues to know when another one is tagging in. Youngest has no poise and is easiest to get into a corner and dismantle. Spearboy is easy to parry, and Battle Maniac is a nuisance. Fortunately, the first three deal very little damage in comparison to Eldest, who's awful.

                                                        I love Falcon Eyes, and you think the regen negation would be sublime here (because their regen sure is annoying, and cost me a life or two), but the string felt more useful by dint of link attack providing a guaranteed knockdown against all of the rabbits save for Eldest. If you use the string when an enemy's got his back to cover, the link attack goes off despite his attempt to dodge, and if you do it exactly after the "tag in", you can even get the new active enemy to be hit by the attack.

                                                        On my success, I slaughtered Youngest by pressing her into the pile of rubbish, link attacking her down, and drilling her to death, then left Battle Maniac at 1 hit and focused on Spearboy until he died. Then I quickly 2-shot Maniac before Eldest could emerge. Having already died to Eldest a couple of times—he does way too much damage—I just threw all my thermite and shot puts at him, plus the grinders and acid abrasive, then link attacked him to death from relative safety.

                                                        • I'd highly recommend the sniper's arm over any other prosthesis for this fight as landing a shot with it negates all recoverable health on the target. Denying the siblings ANY regen from swapping out if used promptly.

                                                          BE AWARE: the Eldest has a fakeout attack when poise broken. Shortly after falling down he'll launch into an empowered version of his standard combo. He'll fall down again immediately after, allowing the fatal strike. Running out of range as you poise break him is reasonable since he moves little distance during this.

                                                          It's important to listen for audio cues in this fight. The sibling's all have voicelines for switching out and disengaging with your current opponent is important for keeping the 1v1 intact.
                                                          Their throwables also have audio cues but without a doubt the most important to keep track of is the red/maniac/swordman's since his can drag you into a 1v3 which will usually cost at least a Cell to recover from.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Only took me three tries but it was an annoying fight nonetheless. Didn't use any consumables and only used my acid grindstone against the eldest brother at the end.

                                                            My strategy was to just run circles around them - makes it easy to get ripostes. I would say the best advice is that when there are two left, make sure you can kill both within a quick timespan. The moment there is only 1 enemy left the Eldest brother comes out and its a pain in the ass to deal with him.

                                                            Also I don't know if this is how it works but since I broke the Eldest's weapon in the first boss fight back in Area 5, he spawned again with a broken weapon. I don't know if this changes if you don't break the weapon in the Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood boss fight.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Sword of the Ark in ranged form has a heavy attack that has enough range to go through some of the arena obstacles. I circled around a pile of garbage against big bro and i was able to hit him through it.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Used the sword of the ark in the long ranged form and its heavy attack is generous if you want to preemptive strike them as they run in, itll hitstun them before they start their combo if you press heavy as they run up to u. Its charged heavy is a horizontal circular slash that they will often run right into if you time it. I also recommend getting 2 of them to low health before you bring in older brother. Almost beat them on my first go because i had little sister and staff boy down to 2 shots, clipped both of them before big bro can even get a hit in. If youre having trouble targetting the right bunny because of aggro, you can always just stall and circle the arena until they switch. Beyond that, heavy attacks, fire and acid are your friends.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Don't listen to this account about using the bone saw. It's too slow. Use a spear if you have a fast one. I use the Tyrant Murderer's Dagger Blade with the City Longspear Handle.

                                                                  • Just summon a spectre, it makes the fight way easier, it's a group boss fight so it's fair game. It's totally doable in solo but it will heavily depend on RNG. You want a fast and long spear in this fight because the spectre will most likely die when the Elder Bro spawns. You will need to fight 2 guys briefly, kiting is still a legit strategy to kill the second last member. Elder is kinda hard to kite when 1v1, but a spear R2 poke can hurt him through the pillar or garbage pile which effectively trivializes the fight if you position yourself carefully.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      The fact that in the second fight, the sweeping upper cut she does can throw you into an insta death fall animation HAS to be a bug

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        This fight was rough for me initially… Puppet Ripper helped a lot once the Eldest showed up. If you circle him around the broken pillar in the room, his attacks should force him to get stuck on it and allow you to (pretty) safely use Puppet Ripper’s R2 from behind the pillar while he’s recovering from a combo.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          this is by far the hardest boss for me so far, probably a couple dozen attempts in so far and still haven't beaten them. just saying that so anyone else coming here and seeing "it's easy, took me two tries" doesn't feel discouraged.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Very annoying fight. Not hard, it only took me 3 attempts. But extremely annoying.

                                                                            The arena is too small and too cluttered, they spam throwables at you, one of them will grapple you towards the others, and the fact that they take turns stepping away from the group means you don't get to focus a specific one down unless the RNG gods allow you to.

                                                                            If you make it to the Eldest with any reasonable amount of HP remaining the rest of the fight is a cakewalk, but to reach that point you have to slog through the most frustrating fight in the game so far.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Bit of an annoying runback to this one, so I got annoyed at first death. But it actually turned out to be not that hard.

                                                                              Trident was the weapon of choice. The running R2 was *perfect* here. I focused on killing any one of them first. Hit and run with running R2, basically. Then hack two of them to very low HP, so that as soon as you kill one you can kill the other before Eldest enters.

                                                                              As for Eldest, this is a bit cheesy, but lure him to the trash heap. The Trident’s R2 reaches through the trash heap (sort of) so you can just circle it and punish him (and hide from the AOE attack).

                                                                              Make sure to wear the Murderer amulet for the extra damage.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                Fight felt so cheap due to the whole area was dark AF! You can barely see what the bosses are doing most of the time for you to react to anything. As though fighting four fellas ain’t hard enough

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Focus down the Youngest first and foremost, she’s a headache to deal with once Eldest enters the fight. After you take her out damage the other two evenly, they are both incredibly easy to backstab, then finish one off and immediately rush down the other. The Eldest starts to spawn as soon as his second sibling dies but it still takes him a few seconds to actually enter the fight, which should be plenty long enough to kill the 3rd sibling as long as you were spreading your damage.
                                                                                  Eldest is simple after that, just dodge or block his slow sweeping attacks and damage him while he winds down after combos

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    wasnt too bad, get them all near dead(two or three hits) then kill them off quickly, that leaves you to deal with big bro. bait his attacks, dodging just out of range, after every combo he has a brief rest. tyrant's dagger did wonderfully.

                                                                                    having a fair amount of throwables helps, let specter aggro and your throwables will aoe them all. when they are attacking the specter, you have easy backstab opportunities.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      A lot of people seem to hate this boss, but I thought it was a lot of fun, especially since I thought the previous few bosses before it were pretty meh. It's pretty easy to position yourself so that only one brother will attack you at a time, and they go down pretty quick if you're aggressive since they stagger a lot, especially if your weapon has longer reach. None of their movesets are all too complicated so it feels really fun to perfect block their attacks. It basically just felt like a boss with three different movesets with a few extra stuff thrown at you if you aren't careful. I also had the best armor stuff equipped and was using the Trident of the Covenant which is a pretty good weapon, so maybe it was just that

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Its not going to feel so gank if you position yourself well. If someone is pulling you, or throwing smoke bombs, or daggers, you are in the open. You should move to the cover of the sacks or pillar, so these will fail to hit you and bait the aggressive brother. It wont last because eventually the other brothers will position themselves to hit you, but it will be a fine solo chance with little interference. Just switch to the coffin cover, or any free cover.

                                                                                        When a brother speaks, its likely their turn to switch, you can have a head start by striking during their weapon buff. Striking them into a wall is also a good way to ensure they eat a lot of r1 w out backing away.

                                                                                        If you dont have the stamina to absorb the big dudes blows, you can move back and bait different moves or space and let some cuts miss, then when he gets in range, block the rest. Was an issue for me ng+, his combo was emptying my stamina bar... well, I would often get hit by his long combo while my stamina isnt full yet. Beat them on ng+ but still a cancer fight...

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          this isn´t even a gank fight. The other guys will just stand on the side and watch you unless you provoke them or unless their voice line plays which is a signal they´re joining in.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            can we all just agree to not put gank fights in games?

                                                                                            your game will not be the one to make gank fights good. unless its hollow knight

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              If you’re a struggling to git gud (like me, I SUCK at this game), but you also can’t or don’t want to chuck a massive stack of throwables at Eldest during the second fight, you can make a point of getting him stuck on the level’s obstacles. I used the pile-looking thing to the right of the arena; he can be easily be baited into doing an attack combo which is unlikely to hit you. Once he’s finished, you can hit him several times, then rinse and repeat. You can also inflict good Overheat damage with a Flameberge or Thermite pretty quickly while he’s swinging on the other side. It helps a lot.
                                                                                              Admittedly, it’s a kind of (very) cheesy strategy, but it’s good if you’re low on Pulse Cells and want to get the fight over with.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                So for some reason you can't fatal the eldest from front and only from rear? That is so stupid I lost a close fight just because I was trying to fatal from front.

                                                                                                • By the time I got here I had a +10 wrench head, Level 3 Puppet string and all the legion upgrades I could get in the P-Organ like auto-regen, regen after a kill, and increased amount from legion magazine. Just R1 smashed my way through the initial 3, keeping in mind to kill the last two closely together so I could face the Eldest on his own. Eldest got puppet string smashed followed up with charged R2's. Rinse and repeat, never had any issues or felt like I was in danger. Like all Souls there is an optimized build that removes most of the frustration if you're having any, and they are super generous with respec'ing in this game. Just some advice for those who are struggling, respec your arm to have a fully unlocked puppet string. It flat out solves problems.

                                                                                                  • Does anyone know if you can get the red scarf outfit anywhere in the game. You would think you'd get some cool stuff for this fight but nah. I know The Atoned's outfit was obtained from a cryptic vessel and not her boss, so I was hoping if the same could be said for these guys >:)

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      Just get the tankier as possible, run and backstab the littles ones, try to kill the last two at the same time
                                                                                                      If you manage to get to flight the big one alone its pretty much free

                                                                                                      Cool fight

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        Eldest comes out when 2 of the 3 are dispatched of, not all 3. So the best strategy is to pick one to eliminate. Then juggle the remaining two. Lock on to the "inactive" one and run around the ring. Dash attack when you have an opening. Make sure to kill the final two as close together as possible. I suggest the stamina increase and regen increase rings as well as HP regen ring.

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          used the two dragon sword, the katana, it chased them down pretty good when they try to heal. A lot of forward movement in the r1 combo or running r2. Individually, they are weak, and you can r1 spam them, except the big one.

                                                                                                          The brothers dont gank you unless you move into them, they just throw things if you are beating up one. This changes when one is about to die and starts retreating. Dont let him heal to full, it sort of becomes a chase where you keep moving around and sniping a weaker brother till he dies.If they get stuck to a wall, they tend to eat a full combo. Rush the first brother, but take time with the second, let him heal and injure the third. Switch back a little if he healed too much. You want to start the revived eldest with an injured, maybe half hp or less final brother. You can kill him shortly before the fight starts/ wont be a 2 on one for long. Running around the pillar is very good once the final brother is there. It really slows him down and lets you rest.

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            Struggling on NG+. Sometimes get agroed by one, sometimes agroed by a football team. Also their backstabs are scuffed somehow.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              I just beat them (Not gonna lie it was mostly luck and 1% skill)

                                                                                                              I used : Bone saw blade +10 with Curved saw handel (With C-C-D in stats)

                                                                                                              I also used the 2 amulets to give me quicker stamina and also life over time (And because i was stupid i used the one to get more ergo)

                                                                                                              Stats : 17 vit - 22 vig - Cap 24 - mot 20 - tec 17 - adv 10

                                                                                                              7 healers. And for the love of god! Remember to take some throw with you and your box to heal the spec! I didnt and i was so close to looseing it was pure luck on the end

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                I think this fight would've been cooler if you could trick them into hitting each other with their support abilities. (For example, the battle maniac accidentally pulling the youngest away from you.)

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  Recommend putting a +9 blade like greatsword or Dancers curved sword on the chefs handle for easier stamina management in the first phase. If the specter is pulling aggro, you can sometimes get maniac or youngest to just eat R1 spam until they die.

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    I actually found this fight kinda easy and fun, since only one will rush you at a time, while the others stand back and throw stuff. The only main difference between this fight and the first is each of the three have one of the three elements and they damage is higher. But the two guys can for the most part can be strafed.

                                                                                                                    If you do have trouble with this fight, the spector can easily mince meat the two on stand-by as their ai doesnt always seem to react to the spectors attack, sometimes ignoring it entirely.

                                                                                                                    For the eldest i recommend using the arena and objects to create distance between yourself and him, not just for the wave attack but also for his longer combos.

                                                                                                                    This fight isnt ornstein and smough or demon prince level of polish, but for the first gank style boss from neowiz it is still leagues above valiant gargoyles and the ds2 gank squad.

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      This was just straight up not pay tested. It is one of the worst boss fights i have ever played. I just feel so much rng and ill do something to interact with the boss and then the other ones will cover it up or hit me with grappling hook. Kike why not just take my hands off the controller if they didn't want me to interact that badly. The 2nd part of this game falls off so hardly.

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        I don’t understand everyone’s problems with this fight?
                                                                                                                        Asides from the eldest, they all stagger from a single hit so you can easily interrupt them. Even when the eldest joins, he’s mostly the same as before with like two new blockable range attacks AND smaller hit range cuz his blade is broken. The other three are the same too, no new moves and do barely any dmg especially the female one. If you killed two then eldest shows up but that’s the same as the first fight anyway. There’s also tons of environments in the middle of the room for you to cheese them with.
                                                                                                                        Beat them first try with some healings left over. If you’re struggling with this fight then you’re doing something wrong…

                                                                                                                        • . For some reason when you summon the specter, the aggro for the big guy goes crazy when his siblings come into the fight. Go into the fight solo and dont damage the big brother. Just keep deflecting until his cleaver is destroyed. That removes a lot of his damage and relieves the most of the tension from the fight. When his siblings come into the fight, as long as you didnt summon a specter, the big bro will wait around in the back but occasionally try to do a charge attack. Simply dodge the charge and keep focus on the siblings, he'll back off for a bit again, rinse and repeat. Try using electric and fire abrasives for the siblings to kill them as fast as possible. I found that having good spacing removes the need to deflect and learn their attacks. I actually rather like this fight, but only when I do it solo, as the lessened aggro from big bro makes it much more clean and less like a typical gank boss. Hope this helped. Good hunting.

                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                            Random Tips

                                                                                                                            If your setup allows it always be blocking in this fight. You can usually get back chip damage by attacking them in their opening. Blocking also negates Battle Maniacs Puppet String and it should protect against the other twos projectiles.

                                                                                                                            No need to be super aggressive like the article is suggesting.

                                                                                                                            Equip the human damage amulet.

                                                                                                                            Keep trying to circle strafe around the active sibling and back stab for big burst damage.

                                                                                                                            Keep moving in general to avoid the projectiles.

                                                                                                                            With the right positioning the youngest can get stuck in a wall and you can basically wail on her

                                                                                                                            You can dodge / iframe through the Eldest brothers Blue Wave attack. So when pulls that out when you stagger him dodge through it so you can get that follow up.

                                                                                                                            Use whatever puppet arm works best for you. For example Fully Upgraded Puppet String attack is really good in this fight, it does big damage and splats them opening them up for follow up works for every Rabbit including Eldest.

                                                                                                                            You can try if you want to but there's really not much reason to parry imo, especially since messing up can lead to getting a status effect pretty fast.

                                                                                                                            Overall you can set the pace of the fight you don't have to be aggressive like this article is suggesting since they are chasing after you.

                                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                                              Apparently, with the bags on the left of the room upon entering, you can somehow manage to get the youngest stuck, can then just manage the other two, along with the Eldest, then go deal with her. Even better if you're using a weapon that can hit from the other side, like the Puppet Ripper's charged attack.

                                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                Haven't seen anyone mention it, but in order to avoid having to fight the last of the trio and the Eldest at the same time, work on getting the last two's HP down together going back and forth. Then when you kill the second, bum rush the third and finish them off before the Eldest arrives.

                                                                                                                                Which one you want to kill first is up to you, but I personally found the Eccentric (spear wielder) to be the most annoying. The Youngest (female one) is also pretty annoying. Maniac (red scarf) is probably the easiest to deal with, so I wouldn't kill him first.

                                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                  This fight was a pleasant surprise and not like the gank fights that I found in Elden Ring which were unfair

                                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                    Managed to get them 2nd try, and to be honest it was luck. I used Holy Sword of the Ark with a strength build, summon took all aggro and I just spammed my wide sweep attacks and hitting at least 2 of the siblings per swing. Literally all of them ignored me for some reason.

                                                                                                                                    • Anyone else just getting insta-killed when they get kicked into the air by the Youngest during the second fight? I can't even attack more than a few times before she kicked P into the air and they just die instantly.

                                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                        I actually ended up really loving this fight. Hard and frustrating, sure, but that winning run feels so damn good. Great setting, music and they have cool moveset.

                                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                          You can pretty much cheese this boss if you bring a lot of throwable stuff and summon. The summon keeps most of the aggro while you deal a lot of damage from afar. 5 thermite + 5 corpse jar + 3 sawblades should be enough to take most of his health. The NPC on red lobster inn sell consumables without limit.

                                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                            Super fine and fun boss except for two things:
                                                                                                                                            1. Target lock constantly changing targets messing up your camera.
                                                                                                                                            2. Attacks that launch you airborne f*****ng with your camera.

                                                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                              Every video i have seen but ONE has them say the line "Get In the box LIAR" in the intro to the first fight why the hell is that?

                                                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                                Damn, I was amazed how devs made possibly the best gang boss fight in any soulslike even FS' when you first encounter them and then they just decided to put them all together at once in the endgame. I'm so sad rn.

                                                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                                  Have to memorize the whole gang's attack patterns.. This fight is definitely more annoying than Remnant 2's final boss..

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