Rising Dodge

rising dodge phase two node p organ lies of p wiki guide
Upgrade Effect: Enable dodging when on the ground.

Rising Dodge is a P-Organ Node in Lies of P. It has since been patched to be included in the default dodge ability.


Lies of P Rising Dodge P-Organ Upgrade Information Pre-Patch

  • Phase: Phase 2
  • Number of Slots: 2
  • P-Organ Upgrade Effect: Enable dodging when on the ground.
  • Required No. of Quartz to activate this node: 2


Lies of P Rising Dodge P-Organ Notes & Tips

  • Notes, Tips, and other Trivia for Rising Dodge in Lies of P go here.
  • The P-Organ is a skill tree that features both passive and active abilities for Pinocchio, it enhances his combat effectiveness and allows for customization of playstyles.



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    • Anonymous

      This is now redundant, thank god, it has been replaced with "Retain Guard Regain upon Pulse Cell use". I picked up the game at the right time, it seems.

      • Anonymous

        This has to be one of the most essential abilities in the game. There's so many enemies that knock you over and hit you as you're standing up before you can dodge again.

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