Add Fable Slots 1

add fable slots 1 phase one node p organ lies of p wiki guide
Upgrade Effect: Increases the maximum number of charged Fable slots.

Add Fable Slots 1 is a P-Organ Node in Lies of P. Fable Arts plays a vital role in Lies of P as it bolsters one's damage greatly as Pinocchio unleashes these special moves. Each Fable Art requires a certain number of Fable Slots thus, the more Fable Slots that a player has, the more Fable Arts they can use. This skill is essential for reaching that goal by increasing Pinocchio's total Fable Slots. This Ability can be acquired in Phase 1 P-Organ System.


Lies of P Add Fable Slots 1 P-Organ Upgrade Information

  • Phase: Phase 1
  • Number of Slots: 2
  • P-Organ Upgrade Effect: Increases the maximum number of charged Fable slots.
  • Required No. of Quartz to activate this node: 2


Lies of P Add Fable Slots 1 P-Organ Notes & Tips

  • Notes, Tips, and other Trivia for Add Fable Slots 1 in Lies of P go here.
  • The P-Organ is a skill tree that features both passive and active abilities for Pinocchio, it enhances his combat effectiveness and allows for customization of playstyles.


Lies of P Add Fable Slots 1 Build Videos




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