Stats or Default Abilities in Lies of P are the different properties that focus on Pinocchio's strengths, weaknesses, and overall effectiveness in combat. Improving the Stats for Pinocchio contributes to character progression, various resistances, and combat efficiency. Stats are affected by several things and can be modified by your leveling up at StargazersEquipment, and any active buffs and effects. Within the Status Menu, you can check your level, attributes, base stats, and more. These Stats inform Pinocchio's capabilities, in terms of offensive abilities, and survivability, as players journey and solve the game's mysteries.

  • For a list of all available elemental ailments, please check the Status Ailments page.
  • If you are looking for a list of buffs or effects that come from items or equipment, you can visit the Status Effects page.

What are the Default Abilities in Lies of P?

Default Abilities (Stats) in Lies of P are more or less divided into four categories. There are the basic Stats, called Default Abilities, which are the standard RPG Stats of the game that directly determine Pinocchio's survival and his capacity to perform actions. Default Abilities are his main Stats which influence all his other Stats. These Stats grow as players invest more Ergo on them as Pinocchio levels up at Stargazers. Default Abilities start at certain amounts depending on which combat style players choose for Pinocchio at the start of the game.

Offensive Abilities determine the amount of damage Pinocchio can inflict on Enemies, depending on his Equipment. Each piece of Equipment has its Stats, which contributes to the value of Pinocchio's Offensive Abilities. Finally, Defensive Abilities inform how well Pinocchio can take damage dished out by Enemies. There are different types of or sources of damage in the game, as well as various conditions or ways that Enemies can impact Pinocchio, and Defensive Abilities will determine just how much he can get affected by them.

How Do You Increase Default Abilities in Lies of P?

As mentioned previously, Pinocchio will have set starting values for his Default Abilities, depending on which combat style the player chooses for him. In the early parts of the game, players will be able to increase their Abilities for the first time when they come across their first Stargazer. The NPC Sophia will guide the player through how exactly to get stronger and use some of her power on the Stargazer to allow it to happen. By defeating Enemies and Bosses, players can collect Ergo, which they can then use to upgrade their Default Abilities.

When leveling up, players will consume Ergo to raise the values of their Default Abilities. Other Stats - Common, Offensive, and Defensive Abilities - that will get affected by the changes in a Default Ability will be highlighted and players can see how increasing them will affect Pinocchio. The higher you want to increase the Default Ability's value, the steeper the amount of Ergo you'll need to do so.


Soft Cap and Hard Cap in Lies of P

Soft caps and hard caps are different in Lies of P compared to other FromSoftware games. There are multiple ranges of caps, although there will be diminishing returns between 30-40 of each stat. The range for each of the stats' soft cap will differ. For example, the soft cap for Vitality will start at 29, while Vigor will start at 23. For Capacity, however, there are no soft and hard caps.


Lies of P Default Abilities (Stats) Guide


Lies of P Default Abilities

vitality stat icon lies of p wiki guideVitality

Vitality is the Stat that informs Pinocchio's general health and survivability. Increasing his Vitality when leveling up will mainly increase his HP and Guard Regain, but will also provide slight boosts to his Physical, Fire, Electric Blitz, and Acid Defensive Abilities.

motivity stat icon lies of p wiki guideMotivity

Motivity is the game's version of the strength Stat and will increase Pinocchio's damage capabilities depending on how his Weapons scale with Motivity. Increasing his Motivity when leveling up will mainly increase the Physical ATK of his Weapon Attack and Legion Arm Offensive Abilities, but will also provide slight boosts to his Physical, Fire, Electric Blitz, and Acid Defensive Abilities.


vigor stat icon lies of p wiki guideVigor

Vigor determines Pinocchio's capacity to do actions in the game, like stringing attack combos and dodging. These actions will decrease Pinocchio's Stamina bar as he does them. Increasing his Vigor when leveling up will mainly increase his Stamina, but will also provide slight boosts to his Physical, Fire, Electric Blitz, and Acid Defensive Abilities.

technique stat icon lies of p wiki guideTechnique

Technique is the game's version of the dexterity Stat and will increase Pinocchio's damage capabilities depending on how his Weapons scale with Technique. Increasing his Technique when leveling up will mainly increase the Physical ATK of his Weapon Attack and Legion Arm Offensive Abilities, but will also provide slight boosts to his Physical, Fire, Electric Blitz, and Acid Defensive Abilities.


capacity stat icon lies of p wiki guideCapacity

Capacity determines how much Weight Pinocchio can carry, and how capable he is of using his Legion Arm. Increasing his Capacity when leveling up will mainly increase his Weight and Legion Common Ability, but will also provide slight boosts to his Physical, Fire, Electric Blitz, and Acid Defensive Abilities.

advance stat icon lies of p wiki guideAdvance

Advance is a Stat that has similarities with Bloodborne's Arcane Stat, and will increase Pinocchio's capabilities for any Equipment that scales with Advance. Increasing his Advance when leveling up will mainly increase the Legion Common Ability that is tied to Pinocchio's Legion Arm, but it will also provide boosts to his Physical, Fire, Electric Blitz, and Acid Defensive Abilities, and resistance to Break, Disruption, and Shock. When building weapons, it's important to keep in mind that, unlike Motivity and Technique, Advance will never increase a weapon's Physical ATK, and will only improve elemental damage.


Lies of P Common Abilities


Pinocchio's HP directly determines his survivability. Any damage done to him will deplete his health bar, which is represented by the red bar on the top left area of the screen at all times. Having Pinocchio's HP be fully depleted will result in his death and players will lose all currently accumulated Ergo and be transported to the nearest Stargazer. Pinocchio's HP scales with his Vitality Stat.

Vitality HP Vitality HP
11-12 +20HP 27-29 +11HP
13-14 +18HP 30-35 +9/10+HP
15 +17HP 36-40 +8HP
16-17 +16HP 41-51 +6/7+HP
18-19 +15HP 52-65 +5/6+HP
20-21 +14HP 66-89 +3/4+HP
22-23 +13HP 90-100 +2/3+HP
24-26 +12HP    


Pinocchio's Weight directly determines how many items and pieces of Equipment he can equip. The total and current Weight can be viewed at the top of the Equipment, Bag & Character Info Menus. There are multiple weight brackets which effect how fast the stamina bar charges, his walk, run, sprint, dodge & roll speed. Heavier weights also reduce roll and dodge distance.
Pinocchio's Weight scales with his Capacity Stat

Capacity Weight
each point (no cap) +3

 * Be careful, if you get the Very Heavy status, you can't run or roll.

% Weight


0%-29% Light
30%-59% Normal
60%-79% Slightly Heavy
80%-99% Heavy
>100% Very Heavy*



Pinocchio's Stamina directly determines how many actions he can do before players have to rest for a bit while his Stamina recovers. Attacking, sidestepping, guarding, and dodging all deplete Pinocchio's Stamina by a certain amount, which is represented by the green bar on the top left area of the screen at all times. Having Pinocchio's Stamina fully depleted will result in players not being able to move for a slightly extended period, giving Enemies a chance to attack them for free. Pinocchio's Stamina scales with his Vigor Stat.

Vigor Stamina
5-8 +6
9-11 +5
12-15 +4
16-21 +3
22-31 +2
30-38 +1/+2
39-47 +1
47-100 +0/+2

Fable Slots

Pinnochio's Fable Slots determine how many times he can use Fable Arts. Each Handle and Blade has its own distinct Fable Art, which are special attacks and abilities tied to each Equipment. Each Fable Art uses up a specific number of Fable Slots, so players will have to keep each in mind. Fable Slots are represented by the small blue bars on the top left area of the screen at all times. When depleted, players will have to charge it up by landing normal attacks on Enemies with their Weapons.



Pinocchio's Legion Common Ability directly determines how many times he can use the combat ability of the Legion Arm he has currently equipped. Each Legion Arm has a specific combat ability that depletes a certain amount of Pinocchio's Legion bar. This is represented by the yellowish bar on the lower left side of the screen at all times. Pinocchio's Legion bar scales with his Capacity and Advance Default Abilities.

Stat Legion
each Capacity point (no cap) +3
each Advance point (no cap) +1.5

Guard Regain

Pinocchio's Guard Regain Common Ability directly determines how well he can regain HP from the game's Gaurd Regain mechanic. When using Stamina to Guard against attacks, Pinocchio will still take minimal damage from his Enemies attacks. The damage that would've been inflicted had he not guarded is instead represented by a more transparent red section on the HP bar. When Pinocchio attacks Enemies while this transparent section of the HP bar is active, he will regain that health back. Pinocchio's Guard Regain scales with his Vitality Stat.

Vitality Guard Regain
10-20 +5/+6
21-30 +4
31-40 +3
41-60 +2
61-100 +1/+2


Lies of P Offensive Abilities

Physical ATK

The Physical Attack or Physical ATK stat determines the value of how much damage Pinocchio can inflict against enemies. There are different factors to consider when it comes to improving the physical attack stat which is by equipping strong Weapons, mixing different Blades with Handles, upgrading its level, and even applying temporary effects that can buff the item. Apart from that, Pinocchio's level

Motivity/Technique/Advance Additional Damage (eg. +10 scaled weapon)
10-18 +6/+7
19-23 +6
24-26 +5
27-32 +4
33-39 +3
40-45 +2
46-50 +1/+2
51-63 +1
64-100 +0/+1

Legion Arm Attack Abilities

The Legion Arm Attack ability conditions the effectiveness of Pinocchio's Legion Arm. Lies of P features different prosthetic arms, each having its unique stats for attacking, including moves that can be modified and strengthened. The higher the value of this stat, the more damage it can inflict when the Legion Arm is used to attack. When leveling up, consider adding points to the Capacity stat which is correlated with the Legion Arm Attack ability.


Lies of P Defensive Abilities


Physical is a type of damage that can be dealt by or received by Pinocchio. His Physical Defensive Ability determines how well he can withstand Physical damage from most offensive Weapons, or how low the damage will be on his HP bar when hit.



Fire is a type of damage that can be dealt by or received by Pinocchio. His Fire Defensive Ability determines how well he can withstand Fire damage from special Weapons and attacks, or how low the damage will be on his HP bar when hit. This Stat also determines how slow Overheat build-up will be on PInocchio when inflicted with Fire damage.


Electric Blitz

Electric Blitz is a type of damage that can be dealt by or received by Pinocchio. His Electric Blitz Defensive Ability determines how well he can withstand Electric damage from Special Weapons and attacks, or how low the damage will be on his HP bar when hit. This Stat also determines how slow Electric Shock build-up will be on PInocchio when inflicted with Electric damage. Electric Shock will cause both Pinocchio and the enemies to take increased Electric Blitz and Physical damage, but there are also added effects. Pinocchio will continuously receive damage to his Fable Slots, while enemies will experience increased Stagger damage.



Acid is a type of damage that can be inflicted or received by Pinocchio. His Acid Defensive Ability determines how well he can withstand Acid damage from Special Weapons and attacks, or how low the damage will be on his HP bar when hit. This Stat also determines how slow Decay build-up will be on PInocchio when inflicted by Acid damage.


Disruption is a negative status ailment that can be inflicted or received by Pinocchio. This Stat determines how slow Disruption build-up will be on PInocchio when inflicted by Disruption damage.


Shock is a negative status ailment that decreases Stamina recovery speed immediately. This Stat determines how slow Shock build-up will be on PInocchio when inflicted by Shock damage.


Break is a negative status ailment that decreases the amount of HP recovered when using Pulse Cells. This Stat determines how slow Break build-up will be on PInocchio when inflicted by Break damage.

Attack Type: Slash

Slash is an attack type in Lies of P. Weapons that indicate equal icon lies of p wiki guideEqual or attack up icon lies of p wiki guideAttack Up determine that the weapon has effective or strong slashing attacks, while attack down icon lies of p wiki guideAttack Down indicates that slash is ineffective. When increasing Pinocchio's defense against Slash attacks, the player must consider equipping a strong Liner defense part. The Liner is one of the body parts of Pinocchio and it mainly focuses on reducing physical damages such as slashes, strikes, and pierces


Attack Type: Strike



Attack Type: Pierce

Pierce or Stab is an attack type in Lies of P. Rapier, Dagger weapon types, and some Handles are effective when it comes to piercing attacks. Combining Blades and Handles that are proficient in Stab attacks will create a weapon that is high in inflicting Pierce-type damage. When increasing Pinocchio's defense against Slash attacks, the player must consider equipping a strong Liner defense part. The Liner is one of the body parts of Pinocchio and it mainly focuses on reducing physical damages such as slashes, strikes, and pierces.


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    • In the Fromsoft games, there are typically clear Soft and Hard caps. Lies of P, however, seems to have multiple ranges of caps every few levels. That said, it seems that when a stat hits somewhere between 30 - 40, the diminishing returns start becoming noticeable. Double-digit returns on HP drop to single digits, Defense no longer increases with each new level in a stat, etc.

      The odd one out should be Capacity since its a static growth of +3 to weight every level. However, I found that Capacity 30 let me equip the heaviest Defense Parts along with some heavier weapons while retaining the Normal (30% - 59%) weight limit. Even with the Noblesse Oblige equipped, it still only took me into the Slightly Heavy range by clipping into the lower 60% range.

      • Anonymous

        Easy to identify Atk types :

        1- Human enemies , specialy Mini-bosses ( They typically use Slash , and Pierce atks... So equip whats suitable at those encounters. ) mainly slashes mostly depending on weapons at their hands.

        2- Puppet enemies ( Mainly they use Slash or Strike type attacks against P... Unless some puppets with Sticking Pokes or greatlong swords , which they can use Pierce ).

        3- Lastly Carcass enemies... The simplest enemies , all of them beside Bosses atleast... All if not 99% of them use Strike-type damage to P. ( So always pick the Strike-Liner gear to face them ). This maybe un-necessary , but it goes along the way during Platinum Run or NG+'s... So only pick wisely.

        NOTE: Hands attacks , which seem like Slashes aren't actually slash but rather Strikes... Notably also Strike-Defensive Liners are always lesser than both Slash/Pierce atk Liner gears... So pay attention.

        • Anonymous

          Attack Type : Strike is basically anything but slashes or stabs/piercings.... Which is un-noticed yet good to know. ( Strike atk type is mainly when your up against monsters with bashing moves... "Maces , Tentacles , Clubs , shoulder charges moves , pummels etc. "SOME STRIKES ARE MAINLY RED-DANGEROUS atks aswell" most of them are atleast ). So that you could prepare... While the other 2 are obvious , Slashes mainly focus on Swords and most kinds of sword-sweeping slashes etc.... Pierce is the simplest "Altho some enemies/bosses use Pierce atks within Swords too besides forks , poles , glaives etc."

          Safest Bet is to equip between Slashing & Strike Liners for that last Body Part Gear part.... Goodluck.

          • Anonymous

            Is there a max cap for a stat? like in dark souls, when it reaches that cap its no longer any point in putting talent points into it.

            • Anonymous

              is there a way to make him attack faster? because while light short weapons are ok, something heavy or long like a wrench takes a better part of a week to make a single strike. Even when I'm under 60% of weight limit.

              • Anonymous

                The fact that the Acidic Great Curved Sword Handle scales with Advance, but the blade has no intrinsic acid damage, would seem to indicate that Advance scaling affects buffs applied to weapons as well.

                • Anonymous

                  Shock is wrong, its a special ailment that decreases stamina. The text describes the effect that Electric Blitz cause upon a full gauge.

                  • Anonymous

                    After looking around online the soft caps seem to be this;
                    Vitality: 40
                    Vigor: 40
                    Capacity: No soft cap, increases by 3 every level until 99
                    Motivity: 40
                    Technique: 40
                    Advance: 30

                    • Anonymous

                      There is no strike attack type, there is strike damage, but attack type is about the animation or attacks of the weapon. Swings or slashes and thrusts or stabs. It is not a dmg type like pierce, slash,thrust, fire, elec….etc. that’s why there’s only 2 types despite many dmg kinds. Basically, weapon blade should not be paired with a battle motion it is unsuited for. Like a hammer head on a stab only rapier handle.

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