Path of the Bastard: Dexterity

path of the bastard dexterity combat memory lies of p wiki guide 200px
HP 262
Stamina 134
Guard Regain 50
Weight Limit 61.2
Physical ATK 99
Physical DEF 74

Path of the Bastard: Dexterity is a Combat Memory (Combat Style) in Lies of P. The Path of the Bastard favors stamina and weight, making Pinocchio nimble in combat, this is recommended if you prefer fast movement to attack and avoid incoming attacks. Combat Memories are premade archetypes or classes for Pinocchio, each combat memory will have a preset of weapon sets, base stats, and attributes that focus on different playstyles. These are only available to choose at the beginning of the game and players are free to create a build and progress Pinocchio as they advance.


A quick and nimble combat style for striking the enemy's weak spots.


Lies of P Path of the Bastard: Dexterity Default Attributes

  • Vitality: 8
  • Vigor: 12
  • Capacity: 7
  • Motivity: 5
  • Technique: 11
  • Advance: 6


Lies of P Path of the Bastard: Dexterity Starting Weapon


Lies of Path of the Bastard: Dexterity Build Videos


Path of the Bastard: Dexterity Lies of P Notes & Tips

  • Lies of P Path of the Bastard: Dexterity Combat Memory notes and tips go here.



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