Proof of Humanity

proof of humanity boss weapon lies of p wiki guide 200px
Type Sword
Weapon Durability 84 / 84
Total Weight 20.5
Attack Type
Slash equal icon lies of p wiki guide
Stab -
Adjust Abilities
Physical ATK 100
Critical Rate 30.00
Motivity B
Technique B
Advance -

Proof of Humanity is a Special Weapon (Boss Weapon) in Lies of P. Proof of Humanity is a sword weapon that cannot be disassembled, it can be obtained by giving the Nameless Puppet's Ergo to Explorer Hugo. Boss Weapons or Special Weapons are weapons derived from the unique Bosses encountered in Lies of P. These are acquired by providing boss-type Ergo items to a special merchant, Alidoro.


A giant scissor blade used by a Nameless puppet. It is a double-edged sword that can end one's freedom, or grant it by cutting the strings of manipulation.

Puppets are tied to strings. Humans have cut their own strings. The boy made a choice and became human.


Where to Find Proof of Humanity in Lies of P


Lies of P Proof of Humanity Information

  • Weapon Disassemblement: Cannot Disassemble
  • Charge Pulse Cells: 11.30
  • Fable Charge: 520
  • Damage Reduction Rate while Guarding: 64.15


Lies of P Proof of Humanity Fable Arts

  • Link Slash: Slash an enemy in front of you. Uses an extra Fable slot to slash up to 3 more times.
  • Grind: Increases Critical Hit Chance temporarily.


Lies of P Proof of Humanity Notes & Tips

  • Other notes, tips, and trivia for Proof of Humanity in Lies of P go here.



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    • Anonymous

      It's not the best weapon in the game, but it's my favourite one to run with, tied or just above Seven Coils in terms of pure fun and how cool it is. Powerful, good crits, and Storm Slash on this is better than the Azure Dragon glaive's version. (Those first horizontal slashes deal pretty solid poise damage.) The moveset doesn't suck, it's just weirdly inverted. Your main attack is the running RT, and the RB feels more like a heavy attack. You need to be careful with your positioning too, as sometimes you can miss one of the two hits of the RT just because the blade flies over a standard enemy's head.

      I wish the Grind fable lasted longer, because it feels like it runs out too quickly for how slow it comes out, and I wish this had a special base crit rate of 40 or something, just to give it that slight extra edge it'd need to be on par with the best weapons in the game. But it's too fun to use, so I can't help running only with it on at least one NG+ playthrough every time.

      • Anonymous

        If only Balance Crank usage is increasing both Motivity and Technique, this will undoubtedly be the strongest weapon ever due to A scaling on both Motivity and Technique

        • Anonymous

          Seems like the kind of weapon P would rest on his shoulder. But he probably doesn't want to mimic the Nameless Puppet, lol.

          • Anonymous

            Trash weapon. Heavy weight, slow swing with stupid hitbox and range, plus super slow recovery meaning you get punished for every light attack.
            Do yourself a favor and get the Amulet for NG+.

            • Anonymous

              the uncharged heavy and the default light (neither running) have almost identical timings, give or take around two frames (in fact, i have a strong suspicion that the timings are literally identical, if not better for the uncharged heavy). the uncharged heavy, however, is vertical, meaning it wont wall clink and leave you staggered until you die from old age. it also seems to stagger light enemies more, and harder. use this when you're fighting tentacle bois or the stupid pitchfork ****s and you want to interrupt them before they rip you a new ******* without blocking. helped me run through ng++ with PoH a lot faster hope it helps you guys too

              • Anonymous

                Re-rolled my motivity build into a balanced build and played the entirety of NG+ with this weapon. Slap on the assassin amulet and the critical grindstone and you can mow through most bosses. The only problem I had was that I found against Nameless Puppet that the openings in the second stage were too small to attack and by the time I did my grindstone had worn off. The weapon art for criticals stacks with the grindstone, but the weapon art takes a long time to use and doesn't last very long so I found that I wasn't using it much.

                9.5/10 weapon for me

                • Anonymous

                  Skill issues below. Proof of Humanity is heavy as hell, needs a certain setup to shine, and it's heavy attacks are slightly unwieldy, but if you're good at adapting to different situations and manage to either find big openings, or pop the Grind Fable Art and just swing R1s at the right time, this thing's damage, with even a small amount of luck, is monstrous.

                  However, it's fair to say that what makes it effective also makes it somewhat stifling - it basically demands a bunch of carry weight on top of 40/40 motivity and technique. That's a lot of weight, so expect to juggle your setup around as you obtain better pieces of armor in NG+. It also means that the most variety in HOW you use this weapon is limited to whether you're trying to land big R2s and main Fable Art combos, or just grinding and going for the R1s. In my experience, it's actually better to go with the secondary fable art and the appropriate elemental grinder, rather than trying to max out crit rate entirely.

                  • Anonymous

                    You would expect it to be a greatsword like in the boss fight. But what you get is a straight sword, just very heavy.

                    • Anonymous

                      It's nowhere near as bad as others are making it out to be. It's fairly quick, does decent damage, and can even crit. The running heavy attack is also very cool (and effective).

                      The only thing holding it back is it's painfully slow charged heavy.

                      • Anonymous

                        Closest thing to a straight sword in this game and you can’t get till after you beat the game. Too bad you can’t obtain the straight sword the police & military puppets use. It’s the only weapon in Eugénie’s workshop that isn’t obtainable.

                        • Anonymous

                          ok can we talk about how this thing is a power house with the amulet that increases crit damage? I have mine at +4 and its doing crazy damage in NG+.

                          • Anonymous

                            I think this weapon's ability to apply status effects is bugged. Other weapons apply the status effect pretty easily but with POH it can take forever or sometimes not even apply the status at all before the buff runs out. And I'm repeatedly hitting the bosses multiple times. When I was using Dragon blade, Frozen Feast or any other weapon it's not an issue. But only when I use Proof of Humanity do I have issues applying statuses. If this weapon could apply decay, overheat ect., more reliably it would be alot stronger but as of now it losses out on damage simply because it can't.

                            • Anonymous

                              Even worse than Gywns greatsword from DS1! never thought id get a worse boss weapon than Great Lord Greatsword! but this? this is fuccin bullsh!t there are better boss weapons like Frozen Feast, Holysword of Ark, Two Dragons Sword or Trident of the Covenant!

                              • Anonymous

                                I'm *suuuuuuuuuuuper* torn about this.
                                NG+? Underwhelming as hell. Too heavy, not enough Full Moonstones in NG+, and by the time I was near the end I wanted to make sure I had stability in mind instead of futzing around. Can't beat Laxasia with one weapon I barely know how to use, right?
                                NG++, with the weight class upgrade and this at +5? I started to see the merit. Good damage for the swipe speed, and the crit rate basically lets this be a *bigger* Tyrant Murderer's Dagger in moveset as opposed to the Trident's pokes. Slap an element on this, or use the Perfection Whetstone to ensure a string of perfect blocks to get that nice meaty window, and this can just layer on the pain.
                                It's not great, but it's not hot trash. You just have to be willing to sacrifice the big numbers and adjust to how awkward this thing's weight is.

                                • Anonymous

                                  So far in NG+, underwhelming I’m afraid (and I made sure to fully upgrade it beforehand).

                                  Even with both stats at 40, the AC is less than other boss weapons leaning towards one stat (as well as the same
                                  crit chance) and the fact it needs a heavy attack kinda negates the fact you’re hitting twice.

                                  I agree with other comments; the handle art needed to be an alter ability to dual wield, like the holy sword, so you could take advantage of the critical chance and the DPS could offset the lower damage.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    POH, starts off average but really begins to shine in NG+. That's because quality builds seem to get an edge with scaling with two stats. Especially since the stat increases fall off drastically in Lies of P much faster than the soul series. I would recommend not cranking this weapon instead leave it with its quality scaling you'll get more out of it in the long run.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      I want to say this weapon might subtly be a small side reference to Kill La Kill's Scissor Blade as well... The flavor text about "or grant it by cutting the strings of manipulation" seems all to similar to how the Scissor Blade in KLK is the only thing capable of severing Life Fibers for good... not to mention the weapon is also a "Scissor Blade" but that's more a reference to a Puppet's strings still...

                                      • Anonymous

                                        I knew it! Im not the only one who found this to be garbage... its power is really low despite the scaling and base attack. Its stagger isnt that good either. Its got to be bugged, like it doesnt jive w my damage amulets. Even when it crits, its still weaker than Uroboros Eye weapon by like 200 dmg or about as strong as my twin dragon sword r1, and when it doesnt crit... its very weak...

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Wasted my hours and days to get this its pretty disappointing 0/10 not recommended wont waste any more seconds from now on even gonna delete the damn game since there is nothing left Lord of Fallen better be good

                                          • Anonymous

                                            ok on paper it doesn't do too much damage but the critical hit procs pretty often (also DO use assasins amulet). you can get almost 100% chance if you use the grindstone and crit fable art. Otherwise it's kinda rng if you need 2 hits or 5 for a random enemy. I respecced from str to quality build to use this and will see how it goes. It is very fun to use while still having decent guard reduction (I need this, I suck at parrying).

                                            • Anonymous

                                              This thing could have had so much potential if it just worked like the boss version.
                                              Handle fable could have changed it into a greatsword until you pop it again and transform it back into a dual wield sword.

                                              Instead we got a singular blade with the dual wield portion only coming out with heavies and its damage fable. Very disappointing gimmick, but atleast the weapon itself is good.

                                              Throw on the assassin amulet, crit grindstone, and the arm of god amulet and you’ll have a critical hit machine. Thing just eats bosses alive once you get the hang of its Heavies and when to punish bosses. Scaling is also great for a weapon of this size, so usable on quality, mot, and tech builds. 8/10

                                              • Anonymous

                                                So I had been running Noblesse+elements in NG+ to stack levels, effective cuz NG+ is a breeze, but I got sick of the slow whackin' and respeced to use this. Initially I was underwhelmed cuz it is crap at applying the statuses I was used to cycling through, then I tried equipping the assassin amulet and the crit special grinder. Do that.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  This thing comes way too late. The real problem is the full covenant stones. . WHY CAN I ONLY MAX 2 WEAPONS!? I want to use this, but I literally can’t until late game of ng+ because I wasted my second max upgrade on that golden lie. They should just add 3 full covenant stones just to let people viably use the weapon in ng+

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Grind should have been replaced with a "transform" fable art, that turns it into dual blades.
                                                    "How would you use the legion arm" I hear you asking.
                                                    That's a valid question. I don't know. I don't care.
                                                    Having the weapon only split during the heavy attack and TEMPORARILY for a fable art is dumb, I won't be convinced otherwise.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      This might be the coolest weapon in the game, too bad it's literally the last thing you can get.

                                                      It's strong attacks are dual wield swords, it's fast, it has decent damage, and it can crit

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