King's Flame, Fuoco

king's flame, fuoco boss lies of p wiki guide 300px2
Location Center of Venigni Works
Type Puppet
Health 8,639
Drops High-powered Flame Amplifier
King's Flame Ergo
Flame Grindstone
Ergo 6,438

King's Flame, Fuoco is a Boss in Lies of P. Like his name suggests the King's Flame has a set of abilities that can deal fire and cause players to Overheat with his high-powered Flame Amplifier. He is encountered in the furnace room in the Center of Venigni Works. Throughout his encounter, he expresses his need for bigger flames and his loyalty to the king of puppets, Romeo, throughout the fight. Defeat him to obtain the King's Flame achievement. Eliminating Bosses will usually cause them to drop rare Ergo. The Ergo you obtain by defeating a boss is extremely valuable. Players will eventually be able to use these to exchange them for special Weapons and Amulets.


To Fuoco, the ordinary puppet, protecting the factory's fire was a sacred duty. As soon as he heared of the King of Puppets, he bowed down to a new god. 


Lies of P Boss Information

  • Optional Boss: No
  • Specter Summon: Yes
  • Breakable weapon: No
  • Weak Against: Electric Blitz
  • Strong Against: Fire
  • Resistant to: ???
  • Immune to: ???


Where to Find King's Flame, Fuoco Boss in Lies of P

The King's Flame Fuoco is located in the Center of Venigni Works after the control room. There is a Summoning pool just before the fire to the furnace area where he is. You will need to clear him before you can activate the Stargazer in this location.


King's Flame, Fuoco Boss Rewards in Lies of P


Lies of P King's Flame, Fuoco Boss Guide

King's Flame, Fuoco Boss Video Guide

[video coming soon]


King's Flame, Fuoco Fight Strategy

The Best Tips for King's Flame, Fuoco:

When you enter the furnace room, the room will be lined with pillars that you can use to get behind if you want to take advantage of the arena elements during combat. However, for the most efficient way to take him down, it is recommended you stay close to him which will allow you to remain in range to attack and avoid the ranged fire attacks he deals. For extra help, you will also have the option to summon a specter before entering the room to divert Fuoco's attention. Play aggressively and watch his fist at all times to anticipate his next move. Fuoco's main attack involves a lot of punching, uppercuts, and swinging. Majority of his attacks can be parried or blocked as long as you hold your position. 

Special attacks include when he deploys his fire attacks with his fire cannon or fire fist which can be avoided by keeping close proximity to him. Stay close to him and deal your attacks in between his attacks. As soon as he lifts or draws back his arm either dodge or gets ready to block. If you back away, he will charge at you. These attacks can easily be sidestepped then follow up with a flurry of regular attacks. 

His flame attacks are easier to avoid. The fire can be deployed as fireballs, AoE attacks or with a sweeping flamethrower. Each of these attacks will cause Overheat and will deal damage over time. If afflicted with this ailment, you will need to use a Purification Ampoule to remove its effects. When he turns red, time your block to perform a perfect guard since you will not be able to dodge these attacks while he is in this state. These are fury attacks that can only be countered with a perfect guard. If you are unable to counter this, you will take great damage and you will be knocked back. Keep an eye out for when his HP bar is highlighted in white. While this state is active deal a charged attack or play aggressively to stagger him. This should open up an opportunity to deal a Fatal Blow, causing a great amount of damage. 

Throughout the fight, the key actions you should take would be to dodge forward or back away when he prepares his punches but stay close to avoid his flames. Stagger as much as possible and sidestep as soon as his fist prepares to spin as a wind up to his charge attack. 

Strategy 2 - flanking his left side

Most of his attacks can be avoided by circling or side-stepping to his left (your right). The only attack that can get you is his sweeping attack that can be blocked.

During his second phase, using this strategy, you can easily get behind him while he's doing his range attacks. This will get you the best opportunity to chain attacks and deal some most needed damages.


King's Flame, Fuoco Attacks & Counters

Attack Description Counter
Uppercut Punch Fuoco punches upward with his fist. Dodge backward or forward into him before running in with your attack. You can also block this attack. 
Uppercut Smash Fuoco punches upward with his fist before smashing his fist back no the groun. Block the initial uppercut punch before backing away from the area of his smash. 
Fist Floor Sweep Fuoco punches the ground and sweeps in a radial motion which can be performed consecutively in a combo. This may be accompanied by heat. This attack can be blocked by keeping your guard active.
Fist Smash Fuoco punches the ground with his closed fist This melee short-ranged attack can be quickly dodged
Spinning Fist Lunge Charge Fuoco prepares this attack with his spinning fist and draws it back before running forward and charging as his fist continues to drill.  Dodge his running charge to either side since this is a directional attack. 
Flame Thrower Spread a radial wave of fire from his fire cannon This attack generally hits higher. Stay close to avoid the area it affects.
Overheat Punch Fuoco punches his fist on the ground dealing an AoE Overheat attack. Dodge away from his general vicinity. 
Fire Cannon A Ranged attack that deploys balls of fire Run quickly away to avoid being hit with the Overheat effects.
Fury Attack When enemies become red, they can use a Fury attack that can't be dodged. Fuoco can turn his regular attack into a Fury attack.  The only way to counter these attacks would be to keep a distance or to counter with a Perfect Guard.

King's Flame, Fuoco Lore, Notes & Other Trivia

  • Voice Actor: ??
  • Other Notes and Trivia Go Here



  • Learn his ways, join us
During Fight:
  • spread the flames, burn the impure
  • Phase transition: o king, my king! we need a bigger flame!
  • Join our mission. Join the purge.
After Fight:
  • We fight for humans, why won't you see it?

    Don't forget, brother, you are one of us.
  • On defeat: My flames... o, my king!

King's Flame, Fuoco Image Gallery

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    • Anonymous

      The overheat constantly felt like someone was giving me the middle finger, without it this boss would have been a piece of cake.

      • Anonymous

        on the dialogue part, there should be a section on what it says after you die. this is my ng+ run and i only died to him once, so this time i only remember one line. it was something along the lines of "We are fighting for humans. Why can't you see that?". That line makes sense since a) they're marching to the Cathedral to get rid of the decay, and b) it's serving the King of Puppets and the King of Puppets wants to stop Geppetto and the Alchemists

        • Anonymous

          Don't let the fireworks and numbers distract you from the fact that not only his Ergo is awesome, he was conducting an army towards the Cathedral to purge the Decay with fire, litteraly.
          10/10 great flame general.

          • Anonymous

            He's not the hardest, but he will absolutely rock your **** if you're not on point. That's just something I've noticed. Even on NG+, where you're completely steamrolling through the early game since it doesn't quite scale up until later on, this tin can seems like he got the memo before anyone else and buffed himself accordingly from how much damage he can spit out and how much he can soak.
            Move-wise he's not that bad, it's just the numbers behind the moves at times.

            • Anonymous

              So I beat this boss on my first try and honestly, I'm not sure how or why. I'm pretty sure if I went back to fight it again it would completely freaking destroy me but I'll take my luck on that one.

              • Anonymous

                Not my favourite boss, but I whacked it to death with that electric rod you buy from the merchant. The heavy attack on that did good damage. Save the fable art and use it right when you stagger it. Landing the crit with the fable buff takes a huge chunk off its health.

                • Anonymous

                  Super cheesy, but if you leg it to the opposite side of the arena you can bait his charge attack. When he does that just run at him and veer off to the side so that you can get around and spank his backside with a charged attack while he recovers. After this run to the opposite end of the arena and repeat.
                  This strategy should keep you well clear of the AOE attack. The only variation to this is when he starts shooting fireballs at you which are easily avoided by just sprinting to the side.

                  If you have some kind of electricity buff on your weapon too this cheese makes him one of the easiest bosses in the game.

                  • Anonymous

                    Under appreciated boss.
                    He's like a big mecha with plenty firepower, a bit dumb sure but that doesn't make him unfun.
                    It's the first boss that teaches you to be very proactive and aggressive, incentivizing you to really go to town on his ass
                    NG+ teaches you caution because he can easily 3shot you at any time

                    • Anonymous

                      You can tell how many people here have a brain the size of a Bean. I learned to hide behind the pipe to not take damage from his aoe 2nd try. Y'all should try using your brain a little during these boss fights

                      • Anonymous

                        Mixed feelings about this boss. It's certainly challenging but once you realise that there's no tracking on his red charge attack you can punish him. After a while you know where his charge will end and you can be there to get some free hits in. I don't know if that's how the developers expected people to play but it kinda felt like an exploit. After many deaths it was the only way I could find to do it.

                        • Anonymous

                          A strict downgrade from the scraped watchman. This fight is just tedious with slow and annoying parry windows and the ever annoying overheat status effect. Area three was just lame in my opinion, and the two bosses here being Fuoco and the puppet of the future are just lame. Sure mad donkey was easy but he at least taught you how to deal with human enemies as well as incentivizing the backstab mechanic. These bosses were easy, yet were half as fun and took way longer. Area three was just a massive letdown to me, and almost felt like filler content.

                          • Anonymous

                            I read another guide that said his 2nd faze is at half health, I think it's more timer based cause I've had it happen at 50%, 70%, and even 80% once, as well as even though those fire balls he shoots looks like it'll stop if you get close to him, it doesn't, I've had him start firing those things while I was hugging distance

                            • Anonymous

                              Did not see the description of the attack when Fuoco squats with flame shooting out of it's smoke stacks and spreads flame over most of the arena floor. Either run behind a vertical pipe (if not knocked down) or just run to the opposite side of the room. Also if your standing in oil when Fuoco spins it will ignite the oil and you. I baited the running charge attack near the center to save as many vertical pipes as possible (for time to sharpen and not get hit by the fire cannon).

                              • Anonymous

                                I do not like the game design behind this boss. Was not a fan. Only boss so far that i fought and was more ready for it to be over than satisfied.

                                • It is for sure weak to electricity. I used the Electric Cool Stick completely unupgraded and did so much damage with it that I killed the boss before it entered phase 2.

                                  • Finally got him. The key is to dodge or side-step to his left (your right), with the exception of his sweep that needs to be blocked. This will get you the most opportunities to hit back.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      When phase two began, I was like : "Yep, that's what this boss was missing, some long-range and AoE attacks..." Sigh...

                                      • Anonymous

                                        I can't with words describe the hatred I had for this boss, killing him was one of the best feelings in the entire universe

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