White Lady

white lady boss lies of p wiki guide profile
Location Rosa Isabelle Street
Type Human
Health 8,942
Drops The White Lady's Locket
The White Lady's Mask
Ergo 2,330

White Lady is a Boss in Lies of P. The White Lady is a mini-boss who wears a pigeon mask. She became a Stalker instead of continuing to pursue her dreams as an opera singer. She is also known as Patricia, a musician as part of a performing duo along with her sister, Adelina, the primadonna singer in the red dress. She now seeks to avenge her sister by eliminating puppets who took her. Eliminating Bosses will usually cause them to drop rare Ergo. The Ergo you obtain by defeating a boss is extremely valuable. Players will eventually be able to use these to exchange them for special Weapons and Amulets. See White Lady (NPC) page for additional NPC information.


Lies of P Boss Information

  • Optional Boss: No
  • Specter Summon: No
  • Breakable weapon: Yes
  • Weak Against: ???
  • Strong Against: ???
  • Resistant to: ???
  • Immune to: ???


Where to Find White Lady Boss in Lies of P

Rosa Isabelle Street - The entertainment district. Players will be able to activate the Rosa Isabelle Street Culvert Stargazer nearby and can access the Rosa Isabelle Street Entrance Stargazer upon entering this district.


White Lady Boss Rewards in Lies of P


Lies of P White Lady Boss Guide

White Lady Boss Video Guide

[video coming soon]


White Lady Fight Strategy

The Best Tips for White Lady:


As soon as the fight begins the White Lady breaks free from her pedestal, she will begin to pose. Immediately run in and begin attacking. If you continuously attack her, you will be able to interrupt her attack animations and prevent her from retaliating for a short period. She wields a slender Rapier and uses it predominantly to deal a number of melee sword combat actions. Most of her attacks consist of a combination of thrusts, slashes, and swift sword-fighting techniques accompanied with some swift footwork allowing her to quickly switch stances and continuously advance with her rapier. As you move around the arena throughout, she will match your footwork and position herself squared to you. She also moves around from side to side in between her attacks and consistently advances before taking a step back, resetting her stance. After she completes a combo, there will be a slight delay before she can deal her next attack. This is the perfect time to get behind her to try to deal a backstab. When her HP bar glows white, she will be staggerable. Try to deal a charged attack next or play aggressively during this period to stagger her then open an opportunity for a Fatal hit, knocking her over and prolonging her vulnerability. 

A long-bladed weapon is recommended for this fight allowing you to keep a short distance between you as you continue to attack. You will have plenty of space during this fight to move around so make sure, you move around the arena as she does. If you keep your distance, she will begin to run toward you before she attacks, allowing you to anticipate and react to her action by blocking or attempting to parry her attack.  

Most of the time, she will lunge forward with a regular thrust to stab you. Although simple, her moves are swift and quick and can hard to escape when performed in a combo. She will be able to charge this attack and lunge further, while advancing forward, extending her range. Make sure you are locked on. If she manages to get a good hit, she could knock you over. Learn to read her attack patterns and allow them to play out. Take advantage of the windows in between to slowly deplete her health until the fight is cleared.

White Lady Attacks & Counters

Attack Description Counter
Rapier Thrust A regular stabbing motion Block or parry this melee attack
Lunge Thrust A charged attack that allows her to lunge forward accompanied with a stab.  Run to either side and reposition around her
Backhand cut The White Lady whips her rapier swiftly at you with a backhanded swing Block or parry this melee attack
Uppercut  This attack can follow a thrust where she follows through by flinging her blade up Dodge back and wait for the combo to end.
Melee blade combo Her combo attacks usually involve a lot of thrusts and stabs accompanied by quick advances You can continue to back away and wait fot the combo to finish or block these array of attacks. 

White Lady Lore, Notes & Other Trivia

  • Voice Actor: ??
  • The White Lady's Mask: The pigeon mask worn by the White Lady. The bird lost her voice, but dreamed of the blue skies instead. That day was a tragic accident for all sisters. The girl who lost her golden voice became a Stalker instead of an opera singer.
  • The White Lady's Locket: A small locket that was given as a commemorative token. It holds a portrait of a beautiful woman in red. The sisters exchanged lockets as a sign of their friendship. The younger sister was pleased. "To stand always on the stage of our dreams together. Your loving sister, Adelina" 
  • From the dialogue of Adelina, we learn the her own sister was responsible for the White Lady losing her voice, because she was jealous of her voice. A fact not know by the White Lady as she remains loyal to her sister.



  • What a beautiful puppet you are! 
  •  I can hear your springs even if you try to hide them. Musicians have keen ears, you know. 
  • Would you like to sing for me like your friends? I have a feeling the sound of your cries will be especially sweet. 
  • Let's have an encore performance of pain. For the Red Actress, Adelina Corday.
  •  I dedicate this performance to my sister, Adelina. 
During Fight:
  • Scream a requiem for me, if you would. 
  • You stole my sister from me. Rotten puppets...
  • Upon Defeat: I hear the requiem.. The screams of the puppets for my sister. 
After Fight:
  • Same red attire as yours, sister... As promised, we always match.


White Lady Image Gallery

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    • Anonymous

      easiest method is to circle strafe around the poles or obstacle and use a sword with long reach. I used bone saw blade and bramble handle, clips through the obstacle.

      • Anonymous

        I think part of the reason people don't hate this fight more is because it is just... easy. It's another small human prone to backstabs and getting staggered. She also does not deal a lot of damage.

        Had she not been easy this fight would have been one of the most hated I think. The runback is atrocious and the boss itself has some of the most unnatural animations in the entire game. She effectively moves like an anime character conceived by a studio on a budget. Sometimes you can stagger her out of a twirl, while other times she mixes it up with a parry which looks almost identical - randomly punishing the player for seemingly nothing.

        • Anonymous

          Aside from her boss fight, her story is pretty sad tbh. Her intent of avenging her sister was actually futile since she was alive and was the responsible of her voice loss. Adelina deserved what she eventually suffered.

          • Anonymous

            tip: you can parry her parry attack, found that out randomly after trying to block while I was about to be countered.

            • Anonymous

              Here's a tip for anyone having trouble and want an easier way out. Go to Malum and head to the lobster and take the ladder up to the merchant. Now buy several throwables. Such as saw blades, pipes ect. Equip them on all your available usable slots. Go to the fight and lock on. Keep your distance and pelt her with throwables. Make sure to throw as she rushes you because she'll attempt to dodge your throwables otherwise. You'll basically easily chunk her or if you brought every throwables from the shop outright kill her if you land most of your throwables.

              • the run back to her is an absolute dumpster fire of juking, rolling, and dodging. i set a cloud save once i landed in the arena to avoid all that nonsense, and i would recommend anyone else do that as well.

                • A tragic figure, the White Lady. Fighting for love, unknowing of her sisters survival... and betrayal.

                  Regardless, this is a swift and furious foe. She will constantly get in your face, performing rapid combos in an effort to stab your face off. Not listed on the Wiki is the fact she has a parry move - she will adopt a ready stance, riposting any attack you throw at her, before she performs a stab. Not an actual visceral, but the bounce is usually enough to let her get a free hit anyway.

                  Like with any Stalker/human boss, she can be backstabbed, and you can easily abuse it if you can get behind her consistently. Additionally, repeated perfect parries will turn her Rapier into a Toothpick, utterly ruining her damage and range and significantly easing the margin of error for the fight. Simply take your time, learn the parry timing, or learn your moments to stab her in the back, and this solo performance can be brought to an end.

                  • Anonymous

                    I just dashed towards and to the side, until she did her thrust, then did a backstab. Repeated that and was fine. When I actually tried to go toe-to-toe it didn't go so well :D

                    • Go her first try, her weapon broke right before I landed the killing blow... very dramatic...

                      If you sidestep/circle right (her left), you can avoid pretty much all of her attacks.

                      • Anonymous

                        I didn't have much problems at all with this fight. Run towards her left side, wait for her to attack (and miss), then punish. Sometimes you can get a backstab in when she over extends. Never swing more than once unless she's getting up after getting backstabbed. Used a slow greatsword and almost won but used a heal instead of my grinder, switched to a faster weapon and didnt have to heal at all the second time.

                        • Anonymous

                          This fight is a perfect showcase of everything that is wrong with this game.
                          An opponent who is much faster than you can ever hope to be, endlessly chaining attacks and dodges because she doesn't have to take stamina into account (despite clearly being a human), and every one of those attacks staggers you, because poise is non-existent.

                          • Anonymous

                            The puppet string legion arm is very effective against her. Call pull her in to interrupt attacks, do light attacks before she tries to dodge

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